Inspiration in nature . . .

I recently began reading a beautifully written book that has deeply inspired me to create a new series of drawings and paintings. “Braiding Sweetgrass” is a thought-provoking and enlightening read that encourages us to deeply reflect on our role in nature and to genuinely respect the profound wisdom of both the natural world and indigenous peoples. A key message of the book is the idea of Interconnection, which is a fundamental value in many indigenous worldviews. They firmly believe that everything in the universe is intricately connected and that every being has its own unique purpose and thus deserves respect. People and their families find themselves profoundly connected to their communities, their ancestors, future generations, the land, and all living creatures that inhabit it. They see themselves as devoted caretakers of the Earth, having lived in harmonious balance with their environment for many centuries. Imagine if we all endeavored to live our daily lives guided by these profound principles of interconnectedness and respect.